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Best auto insurance quotes Because car insurance has become such a competitive space, Best auto insurance quotes shopping around for the best automobile insurance rates is crucial. Where one company might charge higher rates due to your age or driving history, another might offer special discounts based on an entirely different set of criteria.In addition to policies that can be tailored to your unique insurance needs, they generally offer superior customer service, an up-to-date website where you can pay your bill or check your policy details, and a top notch claims process Best auto insurance quotes that makes recovering from an auto accident as seamless as possible.Best auto insurance quotes Most of the time, the only way to find out how much you’ll pay is to apply for several quotes and compare them side by side. Best auto insurance quotes This post was created to introduce some of the best car insurance companies in the business, plus Best auto insurance quotes provide an overview of how each business operates. Best auto insurance quotes BEST CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES IN 2017 When your goal is Best auto insurance quotes finding the best policy at an attractive price, it pays to compare several of the highest rated companies side by side. When figuring out which companies to highlight, we looked at Reviews.com Auto Insurance Study and J.D. Power’s 2016 Auto Claims Satisfaction Study. From those studies, we handpicked several companies that received high ratings across the board. What are the best car insurance companies of 2017? Liberty Mutual Allstate Insurance USAA Auto-Owners Insurance Progressive State Farm The Hartford Liberty Mutual Insurance Founded in 1912, Liberty Mutual Insurance insures more than 1.5 million vehicles and has some of the top customer service ratings. Why you might like Liberty Mutual: Ranked “among the best” by J.D. Power’s 2016 U.S. Insurance Shopping Study Best auto insurance quotes Great standard coverage, as well as the option to add: Accident forgiveness: Your insurance rates won’t go up when you’re involved in your first accident. New car replacement: If you total your car when it’s less than a year old and has fewer than 15,000 miles, they’ll reimburse you the cost of a new car, not just the depreciated value. Better car replacement: You’ll be reimbursed for a car that is one model year newer and 15,000 fewer miles than your totaled car. Deductible fund: Reduce your deductible by $100 when you add this feature, and then another $100 every year after that. Best auto insurance quotes 24-hour claims service Best auto insurance quotes Why you should keep looking: Policies can be expensive if you are purchasing a single policy. USAA Best auto insurance quotes Best auto insurance quotes Best auto insurance quotes USAA received extremely high marks from J.D. Power’s Claims Satisfaction Survey, including 5/5 in overall customer satisfaction. In addition, USAA customers were extremely satisfied with their final settlement after an accident, which is one of the most important indicators or a high quality insurance company. The biggest downside to USAA is that it is only available to members or former members of the United State military and their close family members. So, if you’re in the general public, you won’t have the opportunity to buy a policy from USAA. Why you might like USAA: Best auto insurance quotes Top ratings, including overall customer satisfaction Best auto insurance quotes Best auto insurance quotes Superior customer service Best auto insurance quotes Best auto insurance quotes Diverse policy options to meet anyone’s needs Allstate Insurance Best auto insurance quotes Best auto insurance quotes If you’re looking for a car insurance company that offers high quality insurance policies with the opportunity for discounts, Allstate Insurance should be on your short list. Allstate received fairly high ratings across both studies mentioned in this article, with its highest marks received from customers who reported a positive rental car experience. Allstate Insurance offers the best of both worlds when it comes to the user experience. With brick and mortar offices and agents placed all over the country plus a user-friendly and helpful website, customers have the opportunity to get in-person help or access information online at any time. Why you might like Allstate: Best auto insurance quotes Most areas have a physical office and local agents Multiple opportunities for discounts for bundling, anti-theft devices, and passive restraint Consumer-friendly website Why you should keep looking: Best auto insurance quotes Best auto insurance quotes Several comparable companies received higher ratings across the board Can be expensive if you don’t bundle policies Best auto insurance quotes Auto-Owners Insurance Best auto insurance quotes Best auto insurance quotes Best auto insurance quotes Best auto insurance quotes While Auto-Owners Insurance keeps a fairly low profile, they receive extremely high marks across the board. In fact, J.D. Power awarded Auto-Owners Insurance the highest rating in their 2015 Auto Claims Study, Best auto insurance quotes Best auto insurance quotes Best auto insurance quotes Best auto insurance quotes with a 5/5 in every category except for rental car experience. That puts Auto-Owners Insurance ahead of the pack in Best auto insurance quotes terms of overall customer satisfaction whenever a claim is filed. Best auto insurance quotes Best auto insurance quotes The fact that Best auto insurance quotes Auto-Owners Insurance Best auto insurance quotes has been around since 1916 should also put consumer’s minds at ease. During that time, they have exhibited financial Best auto insurance quotes stability consistently. Auto-Owners Insurance also has 6,300 independent agents, meaning you can buy your policy directly from an individual who understands your needs. Why you might like Auto-Owners Insurance: High ratings for customer service and claims experiences Individual agents who care Variety of discounts available Best auto insurance quotes Best auto insurance quotes Best auto insurance quotes Best auto insurance quotes

Stop Simpan Telur di Pintu Kulkas Kalau Masih Sayang Nyawa Anda, Bahayanya Enggak Main-main

ilustrasi telur (the boston globe)

Ternyata, tidak semua bahan aman dan baik jika disimpan di dalam kulkas.

Buktinya, ahli menyarankan kita untuk tidak menyimpan telur di pintu kulkas, lo.

Bahayanya enggak main-main.

Di era sekarang ini, hampir di setiap rumah pasti memiliki kulkas.

Kulkas ini sendiri biasanya digunanakan untuk menyimpan berbagai jenis makanan.

Mulai dari sayuran, buah-buahan, minuman dan juga telur.

Tapi tahukah anda, kebiasaan kita menyimpan telur di kulkas itu berbahaya?

Berbahaya bagi kesehatan karena kita akan sering makan telur sebagai sumber energi setiap hari.

Kira-kira apa ya bahayanya?

Kita simak ulasannya berikut ini.

Mengandung Bakteri Jahat Salmonella

Orang-orang di Amerika Utara, Australia, Jepang, atau Skandinavia juga sering melakukan kebiasaan ini.

Sementara orang-orang di belahan dunia lain cenderung menyimpan telur pada suhu ruang.

Memang tidak semua kasus berbahaya, namun ada baiknya menghindari kemungkinan ini.

Menyimpan telur di kulkas dapat membahayakan kesehatan karena bakteri Salmonella.

Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan, telur yang disimpan pada suhu ruang memiliki jumlah bakteri yang lebih sedikit daripada telur yang disimpan di kulkas.

Telur yang kita beli bisa jadi telah terkontaminasi bakteri.

Jika kita menyimpannya di kulkas, bakteri ini akan berkembang biak dan mencemari segala bahan makanan lain di kulkas.

Lingkungan yang dingin merangsang proliferasi yang cepat untuk bakteri, terutama Salmonella.

Selain itu, bakteri juga bisa menyebabkan keracunan makanan tanpa ada tanda-tanda pada rasa, bau, dan penampilan makanan.

Tidak ada yang tahu apakah ayam terinfeksi Salmonella atau tidak, jadi ada kemungkinan bahwa telur, entah dibeli di toko kelontong maupun pasar mengandung Salmonella.

Mencegah lebih baik daripada megobati, tidak menyimpan telur di kulkas memperkecil kemungkinan terinfeksi bakteri ini.

Mulai Sekarang Jangan Simpan Telur di Pintu Kulkas

Telur termasuk salah satu bahan makanan yang wajib ada dalam kulkas di setiap rumah.

Biasanya, telur-telur itu kita simpan di tempat penyimpanan yang ada pada pintu kulkas.

Ssst…, jangan simpan telur di pintu kulkas! Sebab, ternyata itu kurang baik.

Telur merupakan sumber protein hewani yang banyak dikonsumsi di seluruh dunia.

Setelah dibersihkan, biasanya telur disimpan di dalam kulkas, terutama di bagian pintu.

Tapi, mulai hari ini lebih baik jangan simpan telur di pintu kulkas.

Kulkas memang tempat terbaik untuk menyimpan telur.

Suhu rendah pada kulkas dapat menjaga suhu telur tetap rendah, meminimalisir resiko telur terkontaminasi bakteri Salmonella, dan mencegah bakteri Salmonella yang terdapat pada telur untuk berkembang biak.

Namun, jangan simpan telur di tempat penyimpanan yang ada pada pintu kulkas.


Telur segar masih rentan terhadap perubahan suhu. Pintu kulkas adalah bagian paling hangat dari keseluruhan bagian kulkas.

Selain itu, temperatur pada pintu kulkas berfluktuasi, terutama ketika kulkas dibuka. Itulah sebabnya jangan simpan telur di pintu kulkas.

Telur lebih baik disimpan di bagian lain di dalam kulkas, yang suhunya relatif lebih lebih stabil. Dan, sebelum disimpan, susun dulu telur di dalam karton.

Ini bisa membuat telur segar selama 3 - 5 minggu.

Selama waktu penyimpanan tersebut telur masih bagus untuk diolah, asal bagian kulit telur tidak retak dan rusak.

Putih telur dan kuning telur yang sudah dipisahkan hanya bisa bertahan selama 2 - 4 hari.

Jadi, mulai sekarang jangan simpan telur di pintu kulkas lagi agar menghindari kontaminasi bakteri yang dapat mengganggu kesehatan tubuh.

Sumber : https://sajiansedap.grid.id
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